Cookie policy

Our website (the ” Website “) uses a technology called “cookies” in order to be able to collect information about the use of the Website. We inform you that we may use cookies in order to facilitate your navigation through the Website, distinguish you from other users and analyze your browsing habits within the Website.

The purpose of this cookie policy is to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies used on our Website (the ” Cookie Policy “).

What are Cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded into your computer (computer or mobile device) in order to store data that can be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for its installation.

The information collected through cookies may include user IP address, date and time of the users visits to the Website, the pages viewed by users within the Website, the time users have been on our Website and other navigation data. Thus, cookies allow us to obtain information about your browsing habits.

Categories of cookies according to their purpose

Technical cookies : These cookies are essential for you to browse the website and use its features. More specifically, these cookies allow the user to navigate through our website and use the “Contact Us” form to ask for more information or to request a demo.

Preference or customization cookies : cookies that allow us to remember information so that the user accesses the service with certain characteristics that can differentiate their experience from that of other users.

Analytical cookies : cookies that allow us to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the Website, such as the pages you visit, the links you click on and how long you are on our Website. This knowledge helps us to introduce improvements on the Website based on the analysis of the navigation made by the users.

Marketing cookies: cookies that store information on the behavior of users obtained through the continuous observation of their browsing habits, which allows the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on it.

Type of Cookies used on the Website

Specifically, our Website installs the following cookies:

  1. Cookie: Google Analytics (_ga)
    Category: Analytical cookie
    Provenance: Google
    Duration: 2 years
    Purpose : It is used to identify and distinguish a user. They store a unique customer identifier (customer ID), which is randomly generated. It is used to calculate user interactions (visits, user data, sessions and campaigns), in order to optimize the services we offer.
  1. Cookie: Google Analytics (_gid)
    Category: Analytical cookie
    Provenance: Google
    Duration: 24 hours
    Purpose: It is used to identify the same user for a single day.
  1. Cookie: Google Analytics (_gat)
    Category: Analytical cookie
    Provenance: Google
    Duration: 1 minute
    Purpose: It is used to limit the percentage of requests made by users.
  1. Cookie: Google Analytics (_gali)
    Category: Analytical cookie
    Provenance: Google
    Duration: 30 seconds
    Purpose: This cookie is used to determine which links on the Website the user clicks on.
  1. C ookie: 1P_JAR
    Category: Marketing cookie
    Provenance: Google
    Duration: 1 month
    Purpose: This cookie is used to collect website statistics and track conversion rates.
  1. C ookie: PHPSESSID
    Category: Technical cookie
    Provenance: Anti-Bribery and Corruption Compliance, SL
    Duration: It is deleted when the browser is closed.
    Purpose: This cookie is used by the PHP programming language to allow session variables to be saved on the web server. The cookie contains the identifier of the user’s session.
  1. Cookie: CookieControl
    Category: Technical cookie
    Holder: CIVIC
    Duration: 3 months
    Purpose: This cookie is set in order to remember the user’s preferences in regard to cookies.
  1. Cookie: Rc :: A
    Category: Technical cookie
    Provenance: Google
    Duration: permanent
    Purpose: This cookie allows to difference between humans and bots when sending the contact form.

Disable and block Cookies

You can reject non-technical cookies at any time by clicking on the button with the letter “C” in the lower right margin of our Website.

In addition, if you wish, you can also block or disable cookies by modifying your browser settings, which will allow you to reject the installation of all cookies or some of them. Below, you can find information on how to manage the use of cookies depending on the browser used:



Microsoft Edge


Internet explorer

You may continue browsing our Website even after rejecting all cookies, although the use of some of its services may be limited and, therefore, your experience may be less satisfactory.

Contact us

Should you have any questions regarding the Cookie Policy, you may contact us at the following email address: